Consume content
10x faster

Save hours with interactive AI summaries
for YouTube, PDF, and Web that
you can trust to reflect the source.

Users love reading & watching content with The Dive

A Chrome extension that 10x's your efficiency

Finally, trustworthy AI that stays close to the original source.

Speed through any content with AI summaries that follow your original source side-by-side. Use it on any content you consume online.

Get 10x faster without outsourcing your thinking

The Dive's AI summaries follow your source's original structure and flow.

Resize the summary or jump to any section or context—so you can trust you get both speed and depth.

Try demo
Demo of summarizing a YouTube video

Instantly get context for any section or topic

You'll love how The Dive helps you navigate long documents.

Jump to any section without waiting for long AI answers to load, or see the context for any phrase or topic.

You'll never go back to the generic, high-level AI summaries that leave you wanting more.

Try demo
Demo of summarizing a PDF

Chat with line-by-line references

Use The Dive's line-by-line context to follow up deeply into any point.

The Dive presents the source side-by-side, letting you jump to the original highlight for any summary bullet or chat reply.

Try demo
Demo of summarizing a website

Discover how to use The Dive

Join thousands of researchers saving hours consuming academic content. Perfect for:

  • Quickly understanding complex research papers and studies
  • Extracting key insights from academic videos and lectures
  • Organizing and summarizing literature reviews
  • Staying updated with the latest research in your field
  • Converting dense academic content into clear summaries

Try The Dive's interactive summaries on these examples